Any employee may request reassignment within the District to another position for which he or she is
An employee wanting to transfer from one campus or department to another must complete the
following transfer request form on-line:
The principal’s criteria for approval of campus reassignments shall be consistent with District policy regarding equal opportunity employment, and with staffing patterns approved in the District and campus plans. [See BQ series] In exercising their authority to approve assignments and reassignments, principals shall work cooperatively with the central office staff to ensure the efficient
operation of the District as a whole.
At such time as an opening occurs on the requested campus for which the employee is qualified the campus principal or supervisor will review the employee’s request along with any other potential applicants for the opening.
All requests will remain active only for the hiring cycle during which the request was submitted. In the event that an employee is not granted a transfer prior to the start of the next school year their request will become inactive and the employee will be required to resubmit a new transfer request for the next school year.